Will I be interviewed?
We want to find out about your views and experiences of LiTEFORM, even if you decide not to take part in the main study. We might not be able to contact everyone, but if we do - a member of the Newcastle University research team will contact you to answer your questions and arrange a date and time to do the telephone interview.
This is separate from the main study, and so you do not have to agree to be interviewed.
Why are we interviewing people?
- We would like to hear people’s views on LiTEFORM, for example whether the information they had was helpful or if they had any worries about the laser therapy.
- We want to understand the kind of questions people have about the study.
- For those who took part in LITEFORM, we want to understand their experience of having the laser therapy.
- The information we get will help us learn more about how to help patients having treatment for head and neck cancer. It will also help us learn about the main study including what could be done differently.